Unlock your dryer outlet – power your EV or Hybrid Charger

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Prototype of our latest EV / Dryer switch

Unlock your dryer outlet to charge your EV or plug-in hybrid with a Level 2 charging system. Our power splitter switches your original dryer outlet to two independently controlled outlets. You can literally start charging your EV with a Level 2 charger within 30 minutes after receiving our power splitter. Install is a 5 step process, mounting hardware not included.

Our EV power switches work just as well for a home brewery or home still as long as you don’t need more than 30 Amps at 240V.

To install
1. Unplug your dryer
2. Hang our power splitter on the wall above or beside your dryer
3. Plug our power splitter into your dryer outlet
4. Plug your dryer into the left power splitter outlet
5. Plug your EV Level 2 charge controller into the right power splitter outlet

Our power splitter does not rely on any high end electronics that are waiting to fail, instead our power splitter uses a simple On-Off-On switch to switch on two 40 Amp relays. One relay switches on your dryer and the other relay switches on your EV / Hybrid charger. And both can-not be on at the same time. With no high end electronics, there are no expensive components to fail.

Do you already have an EV outlet installed and need a second outlet for a home brewery or 240V welder? Or are you interested in powering your home brewery from your dryer outlet? Our power splitter works just a well here too!

To Operate our EV Power Splitter
1. Rotate the switch to the left, and the left outlet and indicator light are switched on.
2. Rotate the switch to the center and no outlets are switched on.
3. Rotate the switch to the right, and the right outlet and indicator light are switched on.
4. It’s impossible to have both outlets on at the same time.

Buying your Level 2 EV or Hybrid charger

A Level 2 EV charger will charge your EV or plug-in hybrid much faster than the standard 120V home charger that came with your car. But not all Level 2 EV chargers are the same. Standard dryer outlets can supply up to 30 Amps which limits you to a charger rated for 24 Amps, and a 24 Amp Level 2 charger will charge your EV 3.2X faster than the 15 Amp 120V Level 1 Charger included with your car. Standard dryer outlets can supply up to 30 Amps which limits you to a charger rated for 30 Amps. But even at 30 Amp your Level 2 charger will charge your EV 3.2X faster than the 15 Amp 120V Level 1 Charger included with your car.

It’s important to match your Level 2 EV charger to your dryer outlet because attempting to run a 50 Amp 2 EV charger on a 30 Amp dryer outlet will just trip your dryer circuit breaker. But this isn’t a problem. You just need need to program Level 2 Charger for 24 Amps or the highest current setting that’s at or below 30 Amps. With newer chargers this is done through the App and with older chargers this is done with a DIP switch setting.

How do I figure out which charger plug I need?

The following is true regardless of which vehicle you will be charging or who you buy your level 2 EV charger from.

You will need a 50 Amp circuit (breaker) for a dedicated EV charger, and that breaker and outlet can easily cost you $2000 or more for a professional installation. Also, most responsible electricians will not install an additional 50 Amp outlet if your house main breaker is rated for 100 Amps or less. Most homes built since the mid 1970’s will have a 200 Amp or larger main breaker installed.

You don’t need a dedicated circuit for our EV power switch because you run your dryer or EV charger but never both at the same time from your existing dryer outlet.

Almost all newer Level 2 EV or Hybrid chargers ship with a 50 Amp L14-50 plug. Older 2 EV or Hybrid chargers may ship with a L10-30, L14-30 or even a bare wire cord. This means that if you buy an EV switch like ours or someone else’s you need to make sure that the power splitter outlet matches your EV charger power plug.

Simple power splitters that are nothing more than a Y cable with no switching between can be found on Amazon for less than $100. These are extremely dangerous because they let your EV charge and your dryer run at the same time. When this happens your dryer breaker should trip but from the time the overload happens and that breaker trips the dryer and charger will be drawing twice the current your dryer wiring and outlet are rated for and this is a serious fire hazard.

You can also find EV power switches that claim to automatically switch between your dryer and your EV charger on Amazon. There are two styles, one a simple brick that plugs in and another with a breaker on the front. These are all cheap switches manufactured in China, and although I have nothing wrong with any quality products made in China all of these contain low cost (cheap) hardware waiting to fail.

Which version of our EV power splitter do you need?

A typical older dryer outlet is a 30 Amp 3 Wire – NEMA 10-30
Our Model EVC-10-30 Power Splitter is an exact fit if your EV charger has a matching NEMA 10-30 plug.
Priced at $449.95, discounted on Amazon for $349.95

But if your Charger has a NEMA 14-50 plug as almost all newer home chargers do have, then our Model EVC-10-50 is the correct Power Splitter for you.
Price: $449.95, discounted on Amazon for $349.95

A typical newer dryer outlet is a 30 Amp 4 Wire – NEMA 14-30
Our Model EVC-14-30 Power Splitter is an exact fit if your EV charger has a matching NEMA 14-30 plug.
Priced at $433.11, discounted on Amazon for $349.95

But if your Charger has a NEMA 14-50 plug as almost all newer home chargers do have, then our Model EVC-14-50 is the correct Power Splitter for you.
Price: $449.95, discounted on Amazon for $349.95